Monday, September 8, 2008

Ft. De Soto & Marine Science

This weekend my husband, son and I, went to Ft. De Soto Park to gather marine life for my son's school - they just built a Marine Science Center. However, all of the marine creatures, you see in these photos, were released back into the water. The last photo shows our poor little dog was part of our son's exciting "net practice" first thing Saturday morning - he is such a good sport! But back to our sea life, I could not believe how BIG the hermit crab was, probably the biggest hermit crab in Tampa Bay! Also how 'puffy-daddy' adorable the little blow fish had been. Obviously he was stressing out but he regained his deflated composure once back in the water! All-in-all we had a glorious day and a fabulous experience that my son will remember forever! We are really blessed to live only 30 minutes from this place that was written up, in USA Today, & rated the No. 1 beach in America: Fort De Soto Park's North Beach in Florida. Enjoy the pictures and when in the Tampa Bay Area make a point to visit "our" spectacular beaches!

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