Monday, June 2, 2008

OM2A™ - No More Bug Bites This Summer!

While vacationing, in Dillsboro, NC, my husband and I took our son to a beautiful playground designed by children for children. The place provided adequate hours of play for Gannon while we had plenty of shade to sit in and relax. We may have been out of the sun but there was no escaping the no-see-ums. As we sat there, we began talking with another mom who was regularly swatting at those little, annoying, biting buggers with her paper. My husband looked over at me and through a veil of tiny, black specs, frustratingly says, "Hey, why aren't they bothering you?!" I thought for a minute and realized that I showered, that morning, with my new soap ... Sallye Ander's No-Bite-Me-Soap. From OM2A™, this stuff really works and is much better than spraying all that icky bug spray on your kids (or you) ... how did I ever live without this?!
(click on photo for larger image)

1 comment:

Scribbit said...

Really? WHo knew! That stuff sounds impressive I'll have to check it out.