Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Disney Downdraft

My husband & I took our son (who at the time was 5 years old) to Disney World for the first time. As we were walking through Epcot, past Mexico and heading towards China, my husband let one rip!! That's right, he passed wind, gas, pooted, blew kisses out of his toosh, or whatever cute name you use in your household!! My son, apparently disgusted at the fact this had occurred, shouted at the top of his lungs, "Daddy! You're not allowed to fart in Disney World!" My husband was so embarrassed and I couldn't help but laugh..the people around us thought it was funny too (or their face was distorted from catching my husband's down wind). My husband immediately tried to "shush" our son, but I had to give my baby kudos for trying to keep Disney World the Happiest Place on Earth...even for those who caught wind of my husband that day!!

Heather L.

1 comment:

The Buntens said...

Husbands! They are the worst for this! And kids just love it.